Invoke is passion project of mine that began long ago in the privacy of my mind and hearth. I still consider myself merely an initiate practitioner of the craft and I draw most of my inspiration from my life, the people I have met, and the knowledge I have learned along the way. What I once kept a secret out of fear, worried that my friends, family and acquaintances would not understand, I now feel inspired to share within this digital circle I have built, and within which you are welcome!
Who am I?
You may call me Laura, or Lor, I am woman in my late-twenties and I have been magically and spiritually inclined for the most part of those years. As far as I can remember, I have always embrace some element of magick, whether it is through my love for the fae and imagining their fluttering wings as tried to chase them as a young girl in my backyard or my perchance to write my own spells in my plethora of secret journals I kept hidden throughout my childhood – if only I could find them now and rediscover what my 7-year-old self would write and cast !
As I grew older, my paternal grandmother drew me into her sacred circle and urge me to explore the use of crystals and herbs, with her guidance. We would often meet and speak at length about the numerous crystals, and their meaning – some of my most favorite memories with her were these late night candle-lit sojourns talking into the wee hours about all things magical until my small eyes could not stay open any longer.
My grandmother additionally embraced the traditions of a Hedge Witch and incorporated the Luna Cycle deeply within her spellcasting – she would often speak of the spirits that circle us, casting divination spells and reading tarot or angel cards to foresee what the day or week may bring.
What Kind of Witch are You?
Uncover what your strengths and tendencies are to reveal what magickal path aligns with you. We have carefully crafted a short quiz to help you understand the true alignment of your magick. Do not be afraid, click the link below to begin your journey and determine what kind of witch you truly are.
Setting up Your First Altar.
The altar is a sacred space at the heart of a witch’s practice – where spells are cast and tinctures are distilled. However, crafting an altar can seem daunting, especially for new witches. In this guide, I will walk you through the process of choosing your location, consecrating and curating your sacred space that reflects your unique path.
Choosing your Grimoire
A witches grimoire is a deeply personal and powerful repository of accumulated wisdom. In this guide, I will explore practical and spiritual considerations to aid you in your quest to find the perfect tome to chronicle your journey and spells, from binding materials, page types and inks to a blessing ritual to infuse with your intentions.
Reaching my late-teens and early adult life, I became incredibly lost, giving into my mother and father’s wishes to focus on academic pursuits and for a while, I became incredibly weighed down by the pressures of modern life of a teenager and young adult growing up in the 2000s and early 2010s. Within losing my connection with these practices, I knew in some way I subconsciously missed my habitual practice and crystal work I had embraced so openly.
Reaching my current age, I look back on a life I had spent so many days … months … years … chasing something to fill my soul – and I realised I needed to reconnect to these practices I abandoned so long ago. Thus, here in this sacred space I have carved out on the internet, I will share the triumphs and struggles of rediscovering my innate calling, diving into the fundamentals of witchcraft – from setting up an altar and blessing a new grimoire, to uncovering the magic behind herbs, crystals, flowers and candles, and doing spell-work.
My hope is that by sharing my path of rediscovery, I can inspire others who may be hesitant and nervous about embracing a new path and their calling.
– Your Resident Witch