Sip of the Season – Ostara
Nourish your magic and take a sip of Ostara this spring time. Herbal teas have been recognised as not only a delightful and refreshing way to savour nature’s gifts, but also as an ally in a holistic approach to wellness. In the same way, teas also take part in nourishing your body spiritually, as you…
Rituals of Renewal
Nature is sprouting around us and wildflowers are starting to bloom and so is our time to bloom. The Spring Equinox marks the moment of balance, where night and day are in harmonious alignment. This echoes the ever changing flow of balance we strive to achieve in our own lives – embrace spring with rituals…
Ostara Unveiled – Traditions and Rituals for Spring
“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” Rainer Maria Rilke It is a time to celebrate the dawn and burgeoning light of Spring. As a witch who loves to be in her garden, let me unveil to you Ostara Traditions and Rituals for Spring. At its core,…