Nature is sprouting around us and wildflowers are starting to bloom and so is our time to bloom.
The Spring Equinox marks the moment of balance, where night and day are in harmonious alignment. This echoes the ever changing flow of balance we strive to achieve in our own lives – embrace spring with rituals to honor rebirth and renewal, so that you might begin anew.
It is a wonderful time to focus on strengthening and nourishing your life and body. All around us, nature is sprouting and early wildflowers are starting to bloom, and so is our time to bloom. Think about what you want to see come to fruition in your life.
I will be sharing with you two rituals you can perform in your home or garden to help you honour rebirth and renewal, cleansing your spiritual and physical self for the brighter weeks ahead.
Why do we recognize Ostara?
Ostara is a time to celebrate the dawn and burgeoning light of Spring.
With this purpose in mind, I have written about Ostara, it’s symbology and meanings. I do hope it gives insight as to why you should perform rituals to honor rebirth and renewal and celebrate Ostara.
Ritual for Cleansing & Blessing the Home
This ritual is best done when your mind is clear from negativity and clouded thoughts – thus, take a moment to meditate to balance and calm your energies before you begin this ritual to honor rebirth and renewal.
What You Will Need
- Rose Quartz
- Jasper
- Incense;
- Dressed tapper Candle
- White
- Green
- Palo Santo
- Matches or lighter of choice.
- Candlestick
- Incense Holder
I cleanse this space,
I set it free.
Transform thy energy
into light and positivity.
Drive away all darkness and fear.
Bring balance and peace, so mote it be.
I choose to support local small businesses in Australia, when buying products and ingredients that I have not the time or means to create myself. I have listed a couple of my favorite’s below!
What You Will Do
Firstly, light your chosen incense stick in the first room of your home. Remain here for a moment before grasping the rose quartz and jasper in your other hand, and repeat the incantation three times.
If you prefer, feel free to use a dressed candle held in a candle stick, smudge stick or palo santo.
Be sure to anoint your candle in the appropriate oils and herbs aligning with Ostara and Spring.
As you slowly walk through each individual room, recite the incantation.
After this, slowly walk through each individual room with your incense or candle in one hand, your rose quartz and jasper in the other, and recite the incantation once.
Once you have finished going through each room of your home, you may then return to the first room and sit within the center. Spend this time meditating and visualizing your home filled with happiness, peace and love, inviting positive energies into your circle.
You may stay in this position as long as you wish.
Finish the ritual by placing your incense in its holder in this room, or your candlestick upon a flat surface to continue to burn till the end. You may then give thanks and gratitude to the Goddess and nature.
Are you interested in finding out how to dress your own candle?
Seed Blessing Ritual
It is traditional for many witches to perform blessings over the seeds which they have gathered from previous harvests. Store-bought packets of seeds may be blessed as well if you are unable to cultivate your own seeds.
I choose to support local small businesses in Australia, when buying products and ingredients that I cannot create and cultivate myself for rituals to honor rebirth and renewal. I have listed a couple of my favorite’s below!
Are you interested in finding a reputable Wiccan supplier?
What You Will Need
- Seeds of your choice
- Wicker Basket or Cauldron
- Athame or Wand
As winters reign comes to an end,
and Spring brings warmth and light.
The spirits of these seeds I do call forth,
on Ostara’s sacred night.
From your rest so dark and long,
Awaken now with birth! You shall in time, grow green and strong, In the soil of Mother Earth. So Mote it be.
What You Will Do
At sunset, begin this blessing, and place your chosen seeds in your basket or cauldron. If your seeds are contained within a packet, you may place the entire packet into the vessel.
If your seeds should not be contained in small, individual packets, ensure you place the loose ones in the vessel, one group at a time, to avoid unwanted and accidental mixing.
Taking your wand or athame, you will then draw a pentagram in the air three times over the seeds and repeat the incantation.
Repeat this for each collection of seed you have in your possession.
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