What Kind of Witch are you?

I have often asked myself – what kind of witch am I? – for the path of one is rarely a linear one. It ebbs and flows, with periods of intense study and practice followed by quiet times of reflection, whatever they may look to you. Without a doubt there have been moments of self-doubt and periods of lost time to the whims of modern life. But through it all, I’ve learned to trust my intuition, to listen to the whispers of the spirits in the wind and to honour the cycles of the moon and the seasons to figure out exactly what my craft looks like as a practitioner.

Becoming a witch isn’t about donning a pointy hat and cackling over a boiling cauldron. It’s about reconnecting with the natural world, tapping into the wellspring of ancient wisdom, and claiming your own power and autonomy. It’s about finding the magic that already lives within you and allowing it to blossom and grow.

If you’re feeling the call of the witch, I encourage you to embrace it. Start small, with simple spells and rituals. Experiment with tarot, astrology, or herbal tinctures. Most importantly, listen to your intuition and trust the process. The path of is a lifelong journey. So I urger you, fellow seekers, take the plunge.

But I sense you don’t know where to start, correct?

I have been there, and if anything, I still am learning, we never stop learning – and there is beauty in that. I encourage you to embrace the uncertainty and use it to fuel your exploration, letting your curiosity lead you where it may.

However, if you need a little hand to guide you on the right path, I have created a small test to discern what kind of witch you could be. This is by no means, an end all and be all, but it might help you realise what you appreciate about the craft and what path you want to pursue.

Green Witch

Hearth Witch

Traditional Witch

Divination Witch

Lunar Witch

Hereditary Witch

Solitary Witch

Hedge Witch


Divination Witch

Eclectic Witch

As the days go by, keep a watchful eye out for dedicated chronicling for each type of craft I have identified, for more insight and guidance, including detailed resources and tips, to aid you on your path.

– Your Resident Witch


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